
Here I'll post different projects I've done with programming.

Im very new to programming, and just startet learning javascript maby 2 weeks ago. So there wont be a lot of projects, and the projects will probably be very easy to accomplish.

But either way, I hope you find some value here.


What is a startpage? A startpage is a page where you have usefull links and whatever else. Its like your browser startpage, but it's something you've made yourself.

Codepen for my startpage:

4chan/wg startpage thread: thread

There is also a discord for startpages, and a reddit page too.

Guess the number (Python)

import random def guess(x): random_number = random.randint(1, x) guess = 0 while guess != random_number: guess = int(input(f'Guess a number between 1 and {x}: ')) if guess < random_number: print("Too low") elif guess > random_number: print("Too hight") print("Cum") guess(10)

Rock paper scissors (Python)

import random def play(): user = input("'r' for rock, 'p' for paper, 's' for scissors") computer = random.choice(['r', 'p', 's']) if user == computer: return 'tie' if is_win(user, computer): return 'You won!' return 'lost' def is_win(player, opponent): if (player == 'r' and opponent == 's') or (player == 's' and opponent == 'p') or (player == 'p' and opponent == 'r'): return True print(play())

Login code (Python)

def login(): user_given_name = input('Whats your name?: ') user_given_password = input('What do you want your password to be?: ') while len(user_given_password) < 6: print('Password must be at least 6 characters long!') user_given_password = input('What do you want your password to be?: ') password_again = input('Write password again: ') while user_given_password != password_again: print('Write a password you can remember') user_given_password = input('What do you want your password to be?: ') password_again = input('Write password again: ') print('Youve succsessfully created an account!') print('Username: ' + user_given_name) print('Password: ' + user_given_password) log_in = input('Do you want to log int?: Yes or No?: ').upper() if log_in == 'YES': print('Great!') else: print('Ok, see you later!') return check_name = input('Whats your username?: ') check_password = input('Whats your password?: ') if check_name == user_given_name and check_password == user_given_password: print('Youve succsessfully logged in!') login_tries = 3 while check_name != user_given_name or check_password != user_given_password: login_tries = login_tries - 1 print(f'Either username or password is incorrect, please try again. You have {login_tries} tries left') check_name = input('Whats your username?: ') check_password = input('Whats your password?: ') if check_name == user_given_name and check_password == user_given_password: print('Youve succsessfully logged in!') if login_tries == 1: print('Sorry, your login-in was unsuccsessfull! ;(') return print(login())

Tic tac toe

positions = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] counter = 0 def board(): global counter print(positions[0] + ' | ' + positions[1] + ' | ' + positions[2]) print(positions[3] + ' | ' + positions[4] + ' | ' + positions[5]) print(positions[6] + ' | ' + positions[7] + ' | ' + positions[8]) counter = counter + 1 print(counter) play() def play(): global counter position = (input('Whats your move?: ')) position = int(position) - 1 if counter == 1: positions[position] = 'o' elif counter == 2: positions[position] = 'x' counter = 0 win_condition() board() def win_condition(): if positions[0] == 'x' and positions[1] == 'x' and positions[2] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[3] == 'x' and positions[4] == 'x' and positions[5] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[6] == 'x' and positions[7] == 'x' and positions[8] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[0] == 'x' and positions[3] == 'x' and positions[6] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[1] == 'x' and positions[4] == 'x' and positions[7] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[2] == 'x' and positions[5] == 'x' and positions[8] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[0] == 'x' and positions[4] == 'x' and positions[8] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[2] == 'x' and positions[4] == 'x' and positions[6] == 'x': print('x won!') return if positions[0] == 'o' and positions[1] == 'o' and positions[2] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[3] == 'o' and positions[4] == 'o' and positions[5] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[6] == 'o' and positions[7] == 'o' and positions[8] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[0] == 'o' and positions[3] == 'o' and positions[6] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[1] == 'o' and positions[4] == 'o' and positions[7] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[2] == 'o' and positions[5] == 'o' and positions[8] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[0] == 'o' and positions[4] == 'o' and positions[8] == 'o': print('o won!') return if positions[2] == 'o' and positions[4] == 'o' and positions[6] == 'o': print('o won!') return return board()